The Think, Feel, Act Cycle – A Deep Dive on Circumstances

Many of us get hung up on our circumstances. We blame them for our unhappiness or the reason why we are not at a point in our life where we would prefer to be. We say things like, it is because of my upbringing, or, my parents didn’t raise me right, or, it’s my genetics. We may blame our job, or lack of, our boss, our peer group, any number of things. But …

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How Mindfulness Can Help Our Relationships

There’s an old saying, ‘Falling in love is easy, staying in love, that’s the real work.’ From a young age, we are conditioned with an ideal image of love and all that it entails.
Mindfulness, or being mindful can help us to create and maintain strong relationships with our loved ones.

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Mindfulness is described as maintaining a moment by moment awareness of our thoughts and feelings, our physical sensations and the environment around us. So often we are caught up in thoughts of things that have happened in the past or things we are planning or have yet to do, that we do not give our attention to what is happening right now in the present moment.

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What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

There is so much promise in this statement. It is so inspirational that not only can your goals be achieved, but in getting there, you’ll become a better person. And on reading it we know it’s true.

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. Read More »

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. Helen Keller

Helen Keller’s whole life is an inspiration to us all. This woman with so much going against her achieved so much. Much more in fact than the majority of ‘normal’ able-bodied people. She often spoke of how much she loved life and how grateful she was for her abilities. She firmly believed that helping others was man’s purpose in life and that service to others was the secret to lasting happiness.

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. Helen Keller Read More »

There is nothing to fear except fear itself

As we’ve learned from the last post about The Think, Feel, Act Cycle, all situations or circumstances are totally neutral until we start to think about them and create judgements about them. If something about a circumstance brings up fear in us that will often be more about us than the actual circumstance.

There is nothing to fear except fear itself Read More »