

We spend so much of our time wanting to be somewhere else and absent from where we are right now. So many of our thoughts are either in the past, mulling over what has happened, regretting or trying to re-write the past. Or, our thoughts are focused on the future worrying about stuff still to happen and meeting our troubles halfway. We are missing out on the gift of the present.

Presence Read More »

Help! The Internet says that I’m a controlling woman.

OK. So yesterday I ran face-first into an ugly truth about myself. Truthfully, I was actually guided to the realisation by someone close to me and I thank them for it. I hope. Well. Yes. I thank them for pointing out a huge area of potential growth for me but I am a bit annoyed that it may give them an (undeserved) opportunity to feel smug and righteous. Defensive? Who me?

Help! The Internet says that I’m a controlling woman. Read More »

How to help people who have experienced tragedy

A tragedy is something that hopefully only occurs rarely or not at all in our lives or the lives of our loved ones. However, there are times when tragedy strikes close to home and we need to be there to support our loved ones. With so little experience at dealing with tragedy, thank goodness, there is little wonder that we may not know what to do or say to help when faced with it.

How to help people who have experienced tragedy Read More »

How Mindfulness Can Help Our Relationships

There’s an old saying, ‘Falling in love is easy, staying in love, that’s the real work.’ From a young age, we are conditioned with an ideal image of love and all that it entails.
Mindfulness, or being mindful can help us to create and maintain strong relationships with our loved ones.

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12 Date Ideas to Connect or Re-connect With Your Partner

Sometimes couples can get in a bit of a rut. Our busy lives can interfere with our relationships and we end up not spending quality time together. It’s all about work, family, bills, getting dinner ready, getting the washing done, getting the kids to their activities and on and on. If we don’t make an

12 Date Ideas to Connect or Re-connect With Your Partner Read More »