Bridges to Forgiveness & Recovery

You want to create a happy and empowered future in spite of past trauma and relationship pain. Or you may be supporting or living with a loved one who is an addict or alcoholic. You love them and want their recovery so badly and you can’t even imagine being happy again until they are completely well. The constant worry and drama cycles are sucking the light and joy out of your life. Release the chains of co-dependency and/or enabling and rediscover your own power and joy. Work with me to relight your spark, discover and be your best self for you and for those you love. Change how you feel now and build a personal future that YOU are excited about. No matter what they choose…YOU can live well and LOVE the life you create!

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This is the program to help if any of the following resonates with you:

  • You want to create a happy and empowered future in spite of past trauma and relationship pain.
  • You may be trying to support or live with a loved one who is an addict or alcoholic. You love them and want their recovery so badly and you can’t even imagine being happy again until they are completely well. You’re trying everything to turn their life around. The constant worry and drama cycles are sucking the light and joy out of your life.
  • You are more worried about your loved one than they are and the effort of trying to get them to change is exhausting you and making you crazy.
  • You may feel that life is so challenging. That there is just no balance and no room for you and your dreams.
  • Work is stressful and family dramas are relentless. It shouldn’t be this hard.
  • You know deep down that there is more. You know you have more to offer yourself and the world but you just don’t know where to start or how to maintain the good habits you need without sabotaging your own efforts.

If you can relate to any of that take a deep breath and relax. It’s going to start getting better from right this minute.

Work with me to relight your spark, discover and be your best self for you and for those you love.

Release the pain of past hurt and the chains of co-dependency and/or enabling to rediscover your own power and joy.

Change how you feel now and build a personal future that YOU are excited about.

No matter what they choose…You CAN live well and LOVE the life you create!

This program includes:

  • A 90-minute intensive with me to start you in the recovery process
  • 2 x 45-minute personal coaching sessions with me per month
  • 2 x 15-minute check-in calls per month
  • Weekly journaling exercises
  • Online resources and exercises for your continual growth and healing.

A minimum 4-month commitment is expected with 12-months support being ideal.

Monthly coaching is via phone, Skype, Zoom or other video conferencing tool. Other online resources are also provided. A payment plan is available.

Book a call with me today and get started


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