
Three different ways to start a daily gratitude practice – and how it helps.

Starting a daily gratitude practice can change your life. Science has shown that changing the way you perceive the world around you will actually change your experience of life.

Three different ways to start a daily gratitude practice – and how it helps. Read More »

Do something positive instead of worrying. Action is the antidote for anxiety.

I have always found that taking some sort of positive step, even the tiniest one, towards the problem can help lower my anxiety level. Doing something, even if it is just writing down a list of possible actions, gives me comfort in that I am actually doing something to solve the problem or prevent it from happening.

Do something positive instead of worrying. Action is the antidote for anxiety. Read More »

12 Date Ideas to Connect or Re-connect With Your Partner

Sometimes couples can get in a bit of a rut. Our busy lives can interfere with our relationships and we end up not spending quality time together. It’s all about work, family, bills, getting dinner ready, getting the washing done, getting the kids to their activities and on and on. If we don’t make an

12 Date Ideas to Connect or Re-connect With Your Partner Read More »